Belts and Straps


Belts and Straps

Straps for below-knee amputees are available with or without a waist belt.

The big advantage with using straps is that they are adjustable, which can be an important consideration when follow-up visits to your Prosthetist are difficult.

Straps also accommodate size and volume changes better than any other alternative, making them the preferred suspension for people undergoing kidney dialysis or those who anticipate significant weight loss.

At one time, prosthetic strap and belt suspension systems were commonly prescribed for the initial prosthesis.

Advancements in prosthetic sleeve and liner technology have made it possible to adjust for normal post-amputation atrophy (shrinking) and as a result, straps are no longer the preferred option for preparatory BK limbs.

One of the most common applications for prosthetic straps and belts is to provide auxiliary suspension when playing sports or hiking.

A removable fork strap and prosthetic belt can be applied to a prosthesis suspended with a prosthetic sleeve or liner providing amputees with additional security when jumping or walking through deep mud or snow. 

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